Select Star vs CastorDoc

Select Star provides you with the accuracy and scale you need for your AI-driven workflows.

Select Star receives multiple G2 badges, including fastest implementation, best estimated ROI, easiest admin, high performer, and users love us.

Compare CastorDoc against features modern data teams look for and use with Select Star

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Popularity Analysis
Select Star provides comprehensive popularity analysis for all integrations, based on 90 days of history
CastorDoc only offers popularity analysis for a limited set of integrations, based on 30 days of history
Column-Level Lineage
Select Star offers comprehensive column-level lineage for all integrations
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CastorDoc provides column-level lineage capabilities limited to select integrations
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Select Star automatically generates comprehensive entity-relationship diagrams based on query logs and primary key/foreign key relationships
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CastorDoc does not offer automated entity-relationship diagram generation
dbt Impact Analysis
Select Star provides dbt impact analysis both within its application and through GitHub CI integration
CastorDoc offers dbt impact analysis in-app only and lacks a Github CI integration
Snowflake Cost Analysis
Select Star offers detailed breakdown of Snowflake costs and usage of data assets
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CastorDoc does not support Snowflake cost analysis
Select Star offers transparent and flexible pricing options
View Pricing
CastorDoc prices per customer, according to what you’re willing to pay

Why customers choose Select Star over competitors like CastorDoc?

Compared to CastorDoc, Select Star offers a simpler setup process, faster user adoption, and more detailed automated lineage and usage tracking. Customers have chosen Select Star when they need accuracy and scalability for organizing a complex data ecosystem, and prefer a tool that integrates seamlessly with their existing workflows.

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Proven accuracy and scale for millions of assets
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Automated entity-relationship diagrams
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AI-enabled documentation to capture tribal knowledge
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Cost attribution based on true data usage
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Transparent and flexible pricing tailored to your needs

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